Plesk 8 (Linux) end-user series

6. How to create an autoresponder

This demo assumes you've already logged in to Plesk

Now let's learn how to create an autoresponder

1) Click the Mail icon

Scroll down

2) Let's turn into an autoresponder

3) Now select the email address you want to use as an autoresponder (note: it must already be setup; if it isn't, follow the instructions to setting up a new email account)

4) Click the Autoresponders link

5) Click Add New Autoresponder

6) Enter a name for the new autoresponder (for reference only)

7) Enter an email address where you want a copy of the original email sent (optional)

Scroll down

8) If desired, enter a new Reply Subject

9) Enter an address where replies from the visitor will be directed

Scroll down

10) Enter your autoresponder message here

Let's add an attachment to our autoresponder message

11) Click the Browse... button

Since there are no files listed here to attach to our message, we'll have to add one first.....

12) Select postinfo.html, the file we wish to attach to the autoresponder

13) Then click Open

14) Now click Send File

Scroll down

The postinfo.html file is now available as an attachment

Now let's attach the file to our autoresponder

15) Click OK

Scroll down

16) Click OK to save the autoresponder

Scroll down

Although the new autoresponder has been configured, there is one final step..... we now have to enable the new autoresponder

17) Select the new autoresponder by clicking here

18) Then click Enable

That's it! The new autoresponder has been setup, and enabled

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to setup autoresponders in Plesk