Plesk 8 (Linux) end-user series

14. How to set up a web user

This demo assumes you've already logged in to Plesk

Now let's learn how to setup a web user in Plesk

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A web user is someone who has access to a particular directory in your hosting account. Creating a new web user will also create the new directory

1) Click the Web Users icon

2) Click the Add New Web User icon here

There are currently no web users setup in this account..... so let's go ahead and create one

3) Enter a user name for the new web user..... this will also be the name of the new directory that will be created

4) Now enter, and confirm a password

You can also enter a disk quota for this web user if you wish, and select various support features to include

Scroll down

5) Click OK when finished

Scroll down

That's it! The new user has been successfully created

From here you can select an existing user to change their password.....

..... delete an existing user by checking here.....

..... then the Remove Selected button here.....

..... or create additional web users

6) Let's delete the web user we just created

7) Confirm the removal, then click OK

The web user marty has been deleted

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to create web users, and how to delete them. Remember that you can create as many web users as you wish